I have alot of people tell me that this angel looks just like me =)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Random!!!!!!! :)

lol im sitting with my boyfriend, im in oklahoma city, im far from bord, i want my teddy bear, my boyfriend is messing withe my braid : D and he's trying to screw up my post! kygycftjmyyhtfckirx!!!!! ........yea that was his fault........lol anyway that was my random post so i'll be back later to write more......later lololol!

~Swan = D

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Its been a while...

*Smiles* I know that it's been a long time since I've written a blog, and to be honest, I've missed it terribly. I have so much to tell though, since I've been away from my posts, for instance, in my last post I mentioned that I had gotten away from a bad influence. Well I'm proud to say that I am still away from him and it doesn't look at all like I'll be looking at his ugly face again for a very long time! Yayayayayayay! Hasta la vista Weirdo!!!!
Lol but that isn't all of it, recently I started a Spanish class at college level and I am somewhat enjoying myself. The homework isn't hard at all, its mostly just the in-class work that's the hard part... Also on another random note, it looks like my dating scene is going fantastically! I counted it up and my man and I have been going solidly for almost two months now without a hitch! Lol when I think about my friends and all the dates they have gone through, and all the times they have broken up with someone in the short time that I have known them, It makes that seem like quite the accomplishment. Other than that I don't really have anything else to tell that would be worth any one's valuable time lol! But hopefully I'll be back again soon to tell more... = D

With all my love <*>

Monday, February 18, 2008

Funny cups and a Boyfriend in the making = )

Ok! Just by reading the title, I guese you've already concluded that this post will be jam-packed with nonsence lol! So here I go. Things have been going really well for me of late, a couple of days ago I got back in contact (after a verrrry long abscence) with my oldest brother *smiles*, also I washed my hands of a friend who was a bad influence on me, and there's a slight chance that I will soon be dating this dude (a friend of mine) that I know from work. The way that it worked out was I told him that someday I was going to ask him out on a date, and he said that he was perfectly fine with that, in his ever-so-casual maner, and later I heard from some other mutual friends of ours that he's actually very excited about it, and is eagerly looking froward to the time when I finally ask. = ) But as for the other half of my opening title, wells... that actually has to do with a picture I found one gloomy evening when we were completely snowed in and I had nothing beter to do besides poke around on my Mom's computer dasktop. I ran on to a file titled "Funny Cups", so I clicked it and this is what I found...

Lolol!!! If anyone can tell me whats up with this picture, I would love it if they could, cuz I'm completely comfused!!! But I'm afraid that's all I have for now, chances are I'll have more crazy things to tell in the near future. = ) Til then, see ya's!

With all my love


Wednesday, February 6, 2008


This is a song that I've been listening to over and over, for some time now. And I thought it was time to post the lyrics, because it's truly beautiful and very uplifting = )

Hero Lyrics.

I am so high.
I can hear heaven.
Oh but heaven,
no heaven dont hear me.

And they say that a hero can save us.
Im not gonna stand here and wait.
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles.
Watch as they all fly away.

Someone told me love would all save us.
But how can that be, look what love gave us.
A world full of killing, and blood-spilling
That world never came.

And they say that a hero can save us.
Im not gonna stand here and wait.
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles.
Watch as they all fly away.

Now that the world isnt ending,
its love that Im sending to you.
It isnt the love of a hero,
and thats why I fear it wont do.

And they're watching us
(Watching Us)
As we all fly away.

As they all fly away...

With all my love
~Swan = )

Saturday, January 26, 2008

These are surely not the best colors that you shine...

So things have been going a little rough for me lately, and for a while I was drowning in my own hopelessness, until I sat down and realized that I had to talk to someone about what was going wrong. I thought about it for a while and finally concluded that I should call my big brother, and ask him for some much needed wisdom. We talked long into the night about all kinds of things, mostly I had a lot of questions to ask him about what to do with some situations I've found myself in lately. But after he had listened to everything I had to say, he paused for a moment and finally said: "Little Sister, I know that in the end, you'll make the right decision"...
It gave me a lot of heart to hear him say that, particularly after these last few months. I had lost a lot of faith in myself, and I guess I just needed someone to tell me that they believed in me even if I didn't. So I have resolved to start anew, and I hope that this time I will be able to hold on to my new-found confidence. It seems as though every time I think I'll start over and begin again, something terrible goes wrong. But maybe this one last time will be the charm I need. And even if I do fall down again, I know that I'll always have my bothers right there beside me to help me on my feet again. Someone once told me that siblings were man's greatest Ally. I'm beginning to understand why exactly that is. I never understood what that meant until I started having trouble with the world, and guess who was there for me at the first calling....?
I know now that no one will ever love me like my siblings, no one will ever be closer to me, or have my best interests at heart like they do. Now all that's left is for me to shine
some new colors... = )

Peace and love to you with all my heart.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Random thoughts of a pearl strung heart

"Hey beautiful, It's Justin. Hey give me a call when you get this, kay? I got a question for ya. Mkay bye"...

That was actually a voice-mail that I got on my phone the other day, and I can honestly say that it shocked me to receive it. But even so, after a few moments (or rather 20 minutes) of listening and re-listening, pondering it's meaning, I finally decided to call back and see what my friend wanted to ask me. I had only just gotten off of work, and that day had been particularly busy because of New-Years, so yea, I was a little tired... but not quite ready to go home. Even though I knew that my parents were expecting me back soon, I looked at the clock and figured that there would be just enough time for a short call. So...I did.
Now, if your wondering the specifics of what took place in our conversation, then I'm afraid that I cannot tell you. But put very lightly and very simply, he asked me if I wanted to spend New-Years Eve with him. And the rest I will leave to your imagination...

Other random and surprising things have been coming my way of late, and I find myself wondering where exactly they will all lead me in the future. One of the instances that found it's way onto my life recently was actually pretty painful and a little hard to bear. The last brother in my family left yesterday to start basic training in the Air Force, and it hurts to think that I wont see him again for a while. I love my brothers with all of my heart, but now that they're all gone I feel more alone than ever without them. But by the grace of God I still have my sister and few closest friends here to watch out for me. Without them I probably would have gotten myself into gobs of trouble by now. = )
But even though a whole manner of strange things have found their place inside my world, I understand that they will have an important impact on my life weather it's good or bad.
But then I guess that could go for a lot of other things as well, like friends for instance. Some of my choices in friends lately have been somewhat overrated in the eyes of my parents. But they have been graceful and understanding about the whole thing, and I owe them so much for that. These people that my family are not particularly fond of, though, are people I have grown strangely attached to in a way I can hardly describe. They are the ones that you would think nothing of, if you passed them on the street or saw their face for a moment only to lose it to a sea of a hundred other faces. They are the kind you have to know in order to see closely their true beauty and potential. I love them all, these dark ones that I have chosen to befriend. Because in their hearts they are all honorable, loyal, and good.
You just have to look a little closer...

With all the love that I have

Thursday, December 20, 2007

A love letter...of a kind.

Well it's time for another post! Though, I must confess that I had a slight dilemma on what exactly to write about, but I finally decided on a love letter. Ok, it's not really a love letter, but rather a secret message to someone that I've been missing lately. The message is actually in the lyrics of a song that we both really like. So this one is for him... = ]

Your Guardian Angel Lyrics

When I see your smile
Tears run down my face
I can't replace
And now that I'm strong I have figured out
How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul
And I know I'll find deep inside me I can be the one
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
Seasons are changing
And waves are crashing
And stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one
I will never let you fall (let you fall)
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all (through it all)
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

Cuz you're my, my true love, my whole heart
Please don't throw that away
Cuz I'm here for you
Please don't walk away and Please tell me you'll stay,
Use me as you will
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be okay
Though my skies are turning gray
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
[to fade]

With all of my love